We enrolled into Turra Kindy earlier this year and they continue to blow us away each day our child attends.
The outdoor space is huge, open, bright, shaded, has some natural landscape of rocks and grass behind the sand pit that my daughter loves exploring.
The sandpit is massive and a huge hit. They have a worm farm that my daughter often talks about as we also have a worm farm at home.
Turra kindy have beautiful thriving vege gardens that the kids maintain. There are local animals that visit the kindy unannounced (cockatoos, lorikeets, kookaburras and brush turkeys) and are a huge hit with lots of the kids. The kids watch them wondering around exploring the Kindys neighbouring gardens. Very funny to see at pick up some afternoons.
Inside is huge, clean, bright and full of various toys. Craft is big at Turra Kindy, my child is always creating something and gives me her artwork proudly nearly every day at pick up.
I like how the kids are exploring the traditional land they are on (Darug Country) and acknowledge this daily through play, reading and craft. This is very important to us.
The staff are very engaged, warming and go above and beyond for our child + our family. We are very happy and highly recommended Turra Kindy.